Lessons From Lois

“Hangin’ on with humor and learning to laugh in the 
midst of trying times rescued me from the distress 
and despair of adjusting to a sudden life change 
caused by a brain injury and initiated my recovery.”
 – Lois McElravy

No one is immune from …

  • the pressures and demands of work and home
  • the unpredictable swift pace of life
  • the chance that their life could suddenly change
  • dealing with difficult people, or
  • turning “dead serious.”

When unexpected trouble strikes,
it doesn’t matter …

  • how knowledgeable you are in your chosen profession
  • the educational degrees you have earned, nor
  • the experience you have acquired. 

None of these things matter if you lack the ability …

to quickly calm down your nervous system 
and gain control of your emotions —
so you can think clearly, problem solve, 
make good decisions and do your best job.

“When life knocks you down,   
humor is the magic wand     
that cushions your fall,    
lifts you back up and    
points you in a new direction. 

“Laughter is your pressure relief valve.” 

Why choose Lois for your next event? 

Lois McElravy works with individuals and organizations who want to learn 
how to use the power of humor and the magic of laughter to handle the 
demands and pressures of work and home, and be better equipped to:

  • reduce stress
  • deal with difficult people
  • maintain a flexible perspective
  • manage the emotional side of change
  • develop creative solutions
  • survive the seriousness of their life challenges
  • thrive in the face of adversity and
  • have more fun

What can you expect from Lois?

  • Original Presentations … plus a Captivating Character Performance Entertainment … that Provides a Meaningful Message
  • Hilarious Personal Stories … that Reveal a Life-Lesson
  • Survivor Systems and Strategies … to Adjust to Constant Change
  • Thriver Perspectives … to Overcome Adversity
  • Life-Changing Influence … that Inspires Hope and Motivates Action
  • Humor Tips and Techniques … to Cope with the Seriousness of Life 
    and Enjoy the Funny Side of Life
Meet Louis

“Lois/Louis offers a dynamic presentation that provokes the audience to open both mind and heart. Through their story our leadership was refreshed to the potential of success from failure, of the effort that perseverance takes, of the demand and risk of appearing foolish, and of the myriad of professional and personal masks we offer each other and so readily take up ourselves. Lois and Louis share a slice of their journey and in such a lesson of the journey that we are all on in our relationships with our customers, colleagues, families and communities.”

Geoffrey M. Lauer, National Director of Affiliate Relations
Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) 

What can Lois do for you?

Whether you attend one of Lois’ presentations, read her articlesreceive her newsletter or  humor tipspurchase her products or subscribe to her blog, you will receive life-changing insights, humor strategies and practical solutions that will equip you to:

  • cope with frustrations and difficulties
  • bounce back quickly from disappointments
  • adjust to constant change
  • develop the courage and confidence 
    to try new things and take risks
  • lighten up with humor and laughter
  • improve your relationships and
  • dare to feel happy in the midst of trying times