Brain Injury Resources

And Recommended Reading … compliments of Lois
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Amen Clinics – Dr. Amen, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life – Dr. Amen and his clinics are experts in the use of both medication and natural supplements to optimize brain function. Dr. Amen has pioneered the use of brain imaging in clinical psychiatric practice.

Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) – The leading national organization serving and representing individuals, families and professionals who are touched by a life-altering, often devastating, traumatic brain injury (TBI). If you or someone you love has sustained a brain injury, please call the Brain Injury Association of America at 1.800. 444.6443 for information and resources and/or visit,

Brain Injury Resource Center – A service of Head Injury Hotline Providing Difficult to Find Information About Head Injury Since 1985
212 Pioneer Bldg. Seattle, WA 98104-2221 206-621-8558

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – TBI Home CDC is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services and is committed to achieving true improvements in people’s lives by accelerating health impact and reducing health disparities. Facts about Concussion and Brain Injury –

Educational Kinesiology and Brain Gym®- Dr. Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D People of many nationalities enjoy the Brain Gym movements in classrooms and businesses worldwide, as a tool to integrate the brain before learning, work, or sports activities, as well as during breaks. Brain Gym benefits include improvements in learning, vision, memory, expression, and movement abilities, in both young people and adults. In the classroom, teachers typically report improvements in attitude, attention, homework, behavior, and academic performance for the entire class.

International Brain Injury Association (IBIA) – Dedicated to providing international leadership, advancing opportunities and successes for persons with brain injury.

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) – The premier source of information and education for State Agency employees who are responsible for public brain injury policies, programs, and services. NASHIA is also the voice of State government in Federal TBI policy issues.

National Resource Center on Traumatic Brain Injury – educational site on TBI provided by the Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Psychology Division / Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation / Virginia Commonwealth University /VCU Health System

TBI Home – A peer support website for people living with brain injury, their families and friends to support each other by sharing their experiences.

The Perspectives Network, Inc.’s – Primary focus is positive communication between persons with brain injury, family members/ caregivers/friends of persons with brain injury, those many professionals who treat persons with brain injury and community members in order to create positive changes and enhance public awareness and knowledge of acquired/traumatic brain injury. Mailing Address: P. O. Box 121012, W. Melbourne FL 32912-1012
E-Mail Address: URL Address:

The Dana Foundation – serves as a gateway to brain information you can rely on.

The Dana Foundation BrainWeb – General information about the brain and current brain research, as well as links to validated sites related to more than 25 brain disorders.

The Dana Foundation Brainy Kids Online – Offers children, teens, parents and teachers links to games, labs, excellent education resources and lesson plans.

The Dana Foundation Brain Resources for Seniors – Provides older adults and their caretakers with links to sites related to brain health, education and general information.

Understanding Brain Injury: Guide for the Family – Brain injury is a life-altering event that affects virtually every area of a person’s life – including his or her relationship with family members and others close to him or her. Mayo Clinic has prepared a 34-page booklet to help families learn more about TBI and adjust to these new conditions.

Understanding Brain Injury: Guide for Employers –
Returning to work is a goal that drives most survivors of brain injury through the long and difficult rehabilitation process. Yet when this goal is finally achieved, there is often difficulty adjusting to expectations of the workplace. Employers are required by the Americans With Disabilities Act to provide reasonable accommodations to help an employee with a disability achieve vocational success. Mayo Clinic has prepared a 28-page booklet to assist employers in this process:

Other valuable links: You might want to include several of the links from Claudia Osborn’s website:

The Brain Injury Association of Wyoming provides excellent resources on their website:

Recommended Reading:
The Survivor Personality, by Al Siebert

Over My Head, by Claudia L. Osborn

Where is the Mango Princess? by Cathy Crimmins

I’ll Carry the Fork! Recovering a Life After Brain Injury, by Kara L. Swanson

Every Good Boy Does Fine, by Timothy Laskowski

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, by Daniel G. Amen

Healing ADD, by Daniel G. Amen

Becoming A Humor Being, by Steve Rizzo

Laughter Therapy, How to Laugh About Everything in Your Life That Isn’t Really Funny, by Annette Goodheart, PhD

A Laughing Place, The Art and Psychology of Positive Humor in Love and Adversity, by Christian Hageseth III, M.D.

The Laughter Prescription, How to Achieve Health, Happiness, and Peace of Mind Through Humor, by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Bill Dana

©2007 Lois McElravy, Lessons from Lois – Speaker and freelance writer, Lois provides life-changing insights and strategies gained from her personal experiences of adjusting to a sudden life change and adapting to the challenges of living with a brain injury. Her message provides family members, care-givers and professionals with a deeper understanding of brain injury. Lois inspires and motivates survivors to accept their new reality, redefine their life purpose, and feel happy. You can learn more about Lois and read her personal story at

Article Signature:
Lois McElravy, Lessons from Lois, entertains, inspires and motivates audiences with humorous keynotes, workshops and adversity trainings. She provides life-changing insights, humor strategies and practical solutions gained from her personal experience of adjusting to a sudden life change when she sustained a brain injury nineteen years ago.

Her signature story provides family members, care-givers and professionals with a deeper understanding of brain injury from a survivor’s perspective. Lois inspires hope and motivates survivors to accept their new reality and redefine their life purpose. She equips them with strategies to manage their challenges, improve relationships and feel happy.

©2012 Lois McElravy, Lessons from Lois – Permission to reprint or repost this article is granted by including the above byline and Lois’ contact information.