“When life circumstances thrust you out of your comfort zone and plop you into unfamiliar territory, you have two choices, give-up or figure it out.” – Lois McElravy
Adversity pushes you out of your comfort zone, challenges you to take risks and requires that you try new things. When life circumstances plop you into unfamiliar territory, there’s nowhere to retreat when things don’t go well. You have two choices, give-up or figure it out.
It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and try new things on your own. The unanticipated troubles you encounter as you venture into new territory can quickly erode your self-confidence. Fear and doubt threaten to prematurely summons you back to safety. It takes extraordinary courage and self-confidence to resist withdrawing and instead choose to endure hardship, navigate through obstacles and risk suffering a setback so you can achieve your goals, attain your dreams or fulfill your purpose.
Lois shares her top ten lessons in the “Art of Recovery.” She entertains and teaches with personal stories that reflect the attitudes, determination, and perseverance that enabled her to regain her self-confidence and manage the challenges of living with a brain injury twenty years ago. She shares the insights she’s gained and relates how she used the same principles and strategies fifteen years later to navigate through the unexpected difficulties she encountered when she left her safe, controlled environment and ventured into the “real world” and began building her speaker business six years ago.
Participants will learn how they can be better equipped to:
- cope with frustrations.
- adjust to constant change.
- implement persistence.
- develop courage and confidence to try new things and take risks.
- pay attention and discover opportunity.
- turn disappointments into valuable learning experiences.
- lighten up with humor and laughter.