“Thinking funny” comes natural to some and not to others, doesn’t it?
But, what if it was fun and easy to jump start your process of “thinking funny?” It is and here’s how:
- PAY ATTENTION. Start paying attention when you hear laughter, observe and notice what appears to be funny to others.
- NEXT ASK yourself, “Why is this funny? What is the purpose? Is humor being used as a coping strategy, to entertain, relieve stress or tension, or create a teaching moment? Do I consider this use of humor to be healthy or hurtful?”
There is much to be learned from witnessing how others use humor effectively or not; evaluating their purpose and the response of the recipient. As your own humor awareness and understanding grow, you will be amazed how “thinking funny” becomes so natural.
Permission granted to post this humor tip on your web site, insert into your newsletter, or hang on your bulletin board by including: Provided by Lois McElravy, Lessons from Lois, www.loismcelravy.com