When dumfounded by unanticipated difficulties, have you ever considered that divine intervention might be responsible for the glitch?
It’s Sunday afternoon. Maybe watching T.V. will take my mind off of the conflicting emotions that keep popping up, as I replay the events at yesterday’s high school graduation. I felt privileged to address a crowd of 5000 with my story, and tickled pink with the feedback. At the same time, I felt like a misfit, as I recalled standing in line with school staff and administration, waiting for our cue to parade to the platform.
Recognizing that my brain battery was rapidly draining due to the buzz of conversations and the band warming up, I wished I had thought to bring ear plugs. I needed to act fast so I could protect my brain from further wear-down, or my ability to deliver my speech would be noticeably affected. So I asked the person ahead of me to tap me on the shoulder when it was time to march forward. Then I closed my eyes and plugged my ears.
Noise incapacitates me. So do remote controls! Unable to navigate the T.V. remote without help, my husband bought me the Harmony remote system, which is designed to automatically turn every component on with the push of just one button. Yeah, right?
Filled with frustration and resentment because I’m staring at a blank T.V. screen again, I tossed the “Harmony” remote aside. Instantly, a T.V. show popped up on the screen?
A sermon is not what I had in mind to watch, but it quickly grabbed my attention. “Do you feel like a nobody?” Yeah. The pastor continued, “You are not a nobody…you are a somebody to God.” YEAH! More questions, “Are you going to use what God put in your lap, or wish to trade it off?”
I laughed out loud at God’s sense of humor. He reminded me that wisdom and insight are “hard-earned.” Countless times I have thanked God for the privilege to share my life experiences with others. Each time someone tells me how my stories and insights influenced their life, my difficulties become more meaningful.
The next time you feel like screaming, “Why me, God,” you can take confidence in knowing that God is preparing you for something extraordinary. Release your frustration with a giggle, and ask. “I wonder how God plans to turn this blunder into a benefit?” And then … never cease to be amazed.